
Unleash Your Strengths - Audiobook Toolkit

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Unleash Your Strengths - Audiobook Toolkit


This is the Strengths Training Audiobook Toolkit that turns your Strengths Test results into actionable personal development.

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This includes the following:
+ Unleash Your Strengths (MP3 – 30 files [4h 21m])
+ Unleash Your Strengths (PDF – 169 pages)
+ Unleash Your Strengths (Kindle – 197 pages)

Plus Bonus Product Files:

+ 1 Book on Learning Better
+ 7 Idea Brainstorming Tools
+ 3 Life Optimizing Cheat Sheets
+ 4 Life Optimizing Templates
+ Dozens of diagrams, illustrations, and flowcharts
+ 10 collections of notes on life-changing books


Stop living life harder than you have to…

Use Tools to Clarify Your Life

  • Optimize daily living to always have time to do what matters
  • Choose your own thoughts and stop letting the fear of change slow you down
  • Finally understand that success is what you want it to be

Truth is, the achievers out there are just you a few weeks into the future. And I can see you shaking your head now, but it’s a truth you’ll see soon.

The real key to finding clarity, guidance, and focus is finally figuring out how you tick.

Regain Control of Your Future

When you come to know, use, and make a habit out of your strengths, your future success is guaranteed.

  • See and overcome roadblocks before they get in your way
  • Learn to re-frame failures into stepping stones to future success
  • Instead of just doing, ‘do’ with a purpose and be more fulfilled in life

And it doesn’t stop there.

When you learn to see what works for you, you begin to see what works for those around you.

  • Bring clarity and understanding to working optimally with others
  • Figure out what matters most to those that matter around you
  • Stop guessing why people do what they do and start knowing what works

Don’t waste another precious minute on living life in the fog of unknowing. Drop the weight of weaknesses and get in the flow of using your strengths to immediately refocus your life and regain control over your future.

This isn’t another 8th grade Algebra class with stuff you’ll never use again in your life. This is to give you tools you use for life.

5 Good Reasons to Buy:

  • #1 - Start focusing on what matters in your life
  • #2 - Figure out the best way to get things done
  • #3 - Regain control over hidden weaknesses
  • #4 - Begin to understand the people around you
  • #5 - Permanently change the way you look at the world

Get your Strengths in order today - your future depends on it.

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You'll get a ZIP file.

4 Hours, 21 Minutes
PDF eBook
169 Pages
Kindle eBook
197 Pages
129 MB
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